Pledge to Vote
We are just a few weeks away from one of the most important elections in recent history. Our families, our communities, and our futures are all on the line this November and our vote has never been more critical. We’ve got too much at stake to sit on the sidelines in this election – we’ve got to get in the game and we’ve got to get in NOW!
Will you take the pledge to vote and make your voice heard this upcoming Presidential election?
Black people in this country have endured too much already and now we’re living at the intersection of multiple crises — an economic recession, global health pandemic, housing disaster, rampant state sanctioned violence, and unchecked voter suppression. Let’s be clear — our communities are fighting for our lives and for the lives of future generations.
We deserve and demand policies and leadership that will address the issues important to us, and this November represents our next and best opportunity to turn the status quo on its head and unrig the rules that have stifled our lives for too long. But, if we’re going to win this time around, it’s going to take ALL of us.
Vote by mail, vote early in person, or vote in person on election day — whatever you decide, just VOTE!
Take the pledge below and this Presidential election, let’s make our power felt at the ballot box!
Take the Pledge
Pledge to vote by mail, vote early in person, or vote in person on election day 2020.